power peak中文什么意思

发音:   用"power peak"造句
  • power:    n. 1.力,力量;能力;体力,精力 ...
  • peak:     peak2 n. 1.山 ...
  • on-peak power:    峰荷电力; 峰荷功率
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  1. Owing to high frequence , city power peak and pou can be removed by low band - pass filter that we design in the fourth chart
    对于市电的尖峰和浪涌噪声,由于其属于高频成份,在本文第五章,我们设计了低通滤波器来滤波,消除其影响。 。
  2. The factors include ultrasonic wave frequence , condition temperature , ultrasonic converter instrinisic system error , hareware extended time , electricity noise and sonic noise in the spot , city power defmcient pressure and exceeded pressure , city power peak and pour . we adopt the following compensation schemes of error in the system . about ultrasonic wave frequence ' s effect to measurement precision , we can choose appropriate frequence according to the measured distance
    在空气和液压缸中影响测距精度的主要因素包括:超声波的频率、环境温度、超声换能器本身的系统误差(即探头固定误差) 、硬件时间延迟、工作现场的电噪声和声噪声、市电的过压、介压噪声以及市电的尖峰和浪涌噪声,在本系统中采取了以下几种误差的补偿方案: ?对于超声波的频率对测量精度的影响,只能根据测距的距离选择合适的超声频率。


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